Wray Associates:  providers of training consultancy and skills for competitive business advantage.

Personal executive coaching provides rapid, intensive development like no other method. Coachees are helped and challenged to clarify their goals, given comprehensive one-to-one feedback on performance, and guidance on career planning and self-development. Personal coaching has huge positive impact for people new to their role or whose role is in transition.

To provide intensive development, focused on the individual's specific needs; · to link development directly with the current and anticipated business challenges; · to track progress to ensure demonstrable results. Our approach contains three main phases:

     I.  Diagnostic
  Personal objectives are agreed, and analysis of the current situation is carried out, supported by the use of 360 degree feedback.

   II.   Coaching Sessions
  Coaching is a flexible process that may include facilitation, observation and feedback, in addition to more 'active' tools such as role play, exercises and diagnostics. We establish a minimum of three coaching sessions, each two to three weeks apart and recommend the coaching sessions last around two hours each.

The key to successful coaching lies in the commitment of the coachee to make the learning 'live' at the first opportunity. We achieve this by identifying live issues on which the individual can work between coaching sessions.

  III.   Review and Evaluation
  Any personal development is only as good as the results it produces - so we conclude the programme of coaching by revisiting the 360 degree feedback diagnostic and reviewing the outcomes of the live issues. For many, this marks the start rather than the end of their development, so we assist by reviewing the development plan and helping the individual tackle the next steps.